Digital Factory: A Digital Compass for Smart Manufacturing
  • Category
    : Other
  • Type
    : E-Books
  • Language
    : English
  • Total size
    : 1.90 MB
  • Date uploaded
    : 02 Apr ,2024


The Digital Factory is a comprehensive guide for leaders in the manufacturing sector looking to navigate the complex digital transformation landscape. Digitalization has become crucial to any company's success in today's fast-paced business world. However, making sense of the plethora of information on approaching digitalization can be challenging, leaving many leaders needing clarification. The pressure to make the right decisions can be overwhelming, with various groups advocating their interests. Without a clear vision and understanding of digital transformation, leaders may lack confidence in making the right company decisions. And with access to specific and valuable knowledge about digital transformation, achieving optimal returns for the company can be more accessible. This book is designed to empower leaders in the manufacturing sector to overcome these challenges.


Digital Factory