San Francisco Night, Jack Nightingale (06) by Stephen Leather EPUB
  • Category
    : Other
  • Type
    : E-Books
  • Language
    : English
  • Total size
    : 391.30 KB
  • Date uploaded
    : 03 May ,2024


San Francisco Night, Jack Nightingale (06) by Stephen Leather EPUB

Jack Nightingale fights his battles in the shadows – in the grey areas where the real world meets the supernatural. But when he arrives in San Francisco to take on a group of Satanists bent on opening a doorway to Hell, the danger is out in the open and all too real. The Apostles – a Satanic coven using murder and torture to pave the way for a demon to enter the real world – realise that Nightingale is on their tail. And unleash their own brand of monsters to take him down. With Nightingale’s life – and his very soul – on the line, he has only days to stop The Apostles from bringing death and destruction to the entire world. Jack Nightingale appears in the full-length novels Nightfall, Midnight, Nightmare, Nightshade and Lastnight.


San Francisco Night, Jack Nightingale (06) by Stephen Leather EPUB