SHROUD OF TURIN - Documentary Package (David Rolfe & Others + Extras + Ebook)
  • Category
    : Documentaries
  • Type
    : Documentary
  • Language
    : English
  • Total size
    : 12.10 GB
  • Date uploaded
    : 05 Feb ,2024


Hello everybody.

Today I have something for you that really means everything to me.
If I were to choose only one thing I'd want you to download from me, it would be this one.

The reason for that is simple. Whether you're a Christian or not, it is undeniable that the Shroud of Turin is possibly the most fascinating artifact known to mankind, yet it is very rarely talked about. The fact that mainstream science is perplexed by the nature of the Shroud, which doesn't conform to the secular view of history, potentially makes it a powerful witnessing tool for people claiming there's no evidence for the Resurrection or even for the existence of God.

What we're dealing with is not merely superstitions or hopes of believers, but something that some of the best scientists in their respective fields thoroughly examined and to this day are incapable of not only reproducing anything close to the likeness of the Shroud, but even proposing a sensible hypothesis for how the image came to be.

What does this package contain?

1. The entire filmography of documentarist David Rolfe (5 movies) until 2024

The movies are:
1. The Silent Witness (1978)
2. Shroud Of Turin Material Evidence (2008) (BBC Documentary)
3. Shroud (2010) (Multilingual! - several audio tracks in one file)
4. A Grave Injustice (2015)
5. Who Can He Be (2022)

2. Extras from David Rolfe's movie releases

3. Additional documentaries and material pertaining to the Shroud

Additional content:

1. Unwrapping the Shroud of Turin - New Evidence (2008)
2. Turin Shroud - The New Evidence (TV Movie) (2009)
3. Shroud of Turin (Secrets of the Bible - Episode 12) (2015)
4. Evidence for the Shroud of Christ! Resurrection (2021)
5. The Shroud Of Turin - God’s Calling Card (2022)

Presentations by Duran Smith of Ratio Christi
1. The Shroud of Turin - Photograph of the Resurrection (2019)
2. The Shroud of Turin - Photograph of the Resurrection (2024 Update 1)
3. The Shroud of Turin - Photograph of the Resurrection (2024 Update 2)

4. Shroud image gallery in the highest existing resolution

5. Ebook "The Shroud Of Turin - The Perfect Summary" (Multilingual!) by Dr. Kenneth E. Stevenson and Dr. Brian Donley Worrell

6. A battery of links to additional resources concerning the Shroud (and more)

7. My sincere blessings and thanks :)

As always, edit, copy and share as you will, there are people around the world who can't even afford regular meals, let alone DVDs and streaming subscriptions, yet even they are called to repentance and the saving Faith of Jesus Christ.

With Love,