The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo EPUB
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    : Other
  • Type
    : E-Books
  • Language
    : English
  • Total size
    : 1.60 MB
  • Date uploaded
    : 07 Jun ,2024


The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo EPUB

Hidden History is a detective novel as much as a scholarly tour de force. But the murder is not the butler. Neither is the victim a rich old man with many heirs. The victim is man himself, and the role of the assassin is played by numerous scientists. Dr. Michael Rothstein, Politiken Newspaper, Denmark

From the Publisher
A teeth-rattling new hypothesis which actually carries modern human existence back millions of years.

About the Author
Michael A Cremo is a research associate of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in the history and philosophy of science. His persistent investigations during the eight years of writing Forbidden Archeology documented a major scientific cover-up. Richard L. Thompson, founding member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Cornell University.


The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo EPUB