Wafers by Ha Seong-nan EPUB
  • Category
    : Other
  • Type
    : E-Books
  • Language
    : English
  • Total size
    : 4.50 MB
  • Date uploaded
    : 05 Jun ,2024


Wafers by Ha Seong-nan EPUB

This 2006 collection of short stories is in line with the unsettling, engrossing style of Ha’s other two collections that have been translated into English, the critical and commercial successes Flowers of Mold and Bluebeard’s First Wife. A best-seller in Korea, Ha Seong-nan is one of the stars of contemporary short fiction, writing edgy, socially conscious stories that bring to mind the novels of Han Kang and the film Parasite.


Wafers by Ha Seong-nan EPUB